Wednesday 9 April 2014

Use Bleaching Properties Of Cucumber To Remove Acne

Do facials - Good remedy for various spots is clay. Mix 1 tsp white or green clay with 1 tsp cinnamon and add a little water. The resulting mush applies on face for 15-20 minutes.

Berry and fruit masks perfectly whiten skin by fruit acids contained in them. Make a mask based on viburnum, strawberries, and currants. Masks may be a single component or mixed.

Use bleaching properties of cucumber. Make a mask from cucumber pulp or just apply cucumber slices to the problem areas of the skin. Wipe the skin with cucumber lotion.

Apply to the skin chopped parsley or wipe her face juice. Make ice cubes and parsley broth daily wipe their face. To prepare the broth 50 g greens pour two cups of water and boil for 15-20 minutes. Broth, strain, pours into molds for ice and store in the freezer. Use essential oils. Apply to the skin or added to various products for the face. Stain you save rosemary, lavender, tea tree and avocado.

Treat dark spots alcoholic extract of Hypericum. To make it, take 2 tbsp St. John's wort, fill it with a glass of alcohol or vodka and leave for 10 days in a dark place, make it ready for the infusion to strains. Treat this means only the problem areas, as for healthy skin, alcohol can be harmful.


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