Instruction - The cause of these troubles is too active sebum. It provoked many disorders of the body; in particular, the most popular reason is hormonal imbalance. If you suffer from acne, blackheads and oily skin always refer to an endocrinologist, who will determine the ratio of hormones in your body and should be treated.
Very often the cause of acne is triggered by an unhealthy diet and a violation of their digestion. So first of all you should pay attention to your diet and pick up a special diet, which should be enough vitamin B, one of the most important for the skin, as well as a considerable amount of fiber and minerals. Eat breakfast porridge, drink green tea or chamomile tea - soon your face you just cannot learn in the mirror!
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One of the most affordable and effective ways, without which, perhaps, cannot do - it is sufficient fluid intake. Water perfectly cleans the body of toxins, and as a result - skin rash becomes much less. In addition, water provides nourishment and timely cell membrane metabolism, so that the skin has the ability to update and strengthen your immune system. In the fight against acne and rashes as perfectly green tea helps - it contains natural antibacterial ingredients and special enzymes that promote good digestion. It would seem, how does it relate to acne? In fact, in order to become the owner of a beautiful skin, you should sleep for 8-10 hours.
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